Who is the owner of Bitcoin?

Who is the owner of Bitcoin? : Friends, who is the owner of bitcoin and which country’s currency is bitcoin. You must have heard its name many times, out of which many people are well aware of it, but some people are very confused about this currency.

They are not able to understand about it, what it really is, so today you Will give all the information related to this. Every country has a different one which is used for shopping in that country but there is some currency through which transactions can be done in any country just like bitcoin but it is such a currency that neither we can see Nor can it be touched because it is a digital currency. Which is transacted through Peer to Peer Secure Network.

Many people also invest in bitcoin because its rate keeps increasing every day, so when its rate is low, they buy bitcoin and when its rate increases, they sell it, all this work is done through online platform.  +There are many platforms for this, the most popular of which is Zebpay, through which bitcoin can be bought or sold online.

This currency is bought through online wallet, the way money is loaded in Paytm, in the same way it can also be loaded through digital wallet, that is, it can be bought and then it can be used for online transactions. .

What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a type of digital currency, it does not have any physical existence, you can neither touch it nor see it, but its existence is only digital. In today’s date, the most expensive type of cryptocurrency in the world is bitcoin.

You can use bitcoin to buy many things. Although the use of bitcoin is legally prohibited in some countries, bitcoin is still used as currency in most countries.

The digital violet in bitcoin is exactly like that. Like Paytm’s wallet in which your money is kept and with that money you can buy anything, there is a bitcoin wallet inside bitcoin, in which the value of bitcoin is marked as digital numbers. The biggest thing is that the price of bitcoin is not always stable, it can fall or rise at any time.

Bitcoin Price

Currently the price of 1 bitcoin in India is INR 1876982.10. There is no control over its authority, so its prices keep on increasing and decreasing almost daily according to the market.

How bitcoin works?

Bitcoin works on Blockchain Technology, this technology is used by all types of cryptocurrency companies in today’s date and it is also considered very safe, the main reason for this is that no hacker of the world can hack this technology here. But whatever money is transacted, its entire data is stored through blockchain technology.

And the work of storing data is done by crypto miner which we call crypto mining. Where the data of transactions of all types of people is kept safe in the block through hash code. The world’s most powerful computer is used to operate the blockchain technology.

Who is the owner of Bitcoin?

Who is the owner of Bitcoin

The owner of bitcoin is Satoshi Nakamoto of Japan, he was born on 5 April 1975 AD in Japan. He created bitcoin in the year 2009, at that time the price of bitcoin was the lowest, but as time passed, big people started investing money inside bitcoin, only after that its price increased rapidly. .

And in today’s date, it is the world’s most expensive cryptocurrency, which is not possible for every person to buy. It is said of the owner of bitcoin. That he has done many types of discoveries and research in the field of cryptocurrency. Only after that he created bitcoin. Apart from this, the technology used in bitcoin has been invented by Satoshi Nakamoto.

Which country’s currency is bitcoin?

The person making it is a citizen of Japan, but bitcoin cannot generally be called the currency of any one country because it is a digital currency and everyone can buy or sell it online or use it online. Bitcoin was started on January 3, 2009 by a person named Satoshi Nakamoto. He was born on 5 April 1975 in Japan.

Pros and Cons of Using Bitcoin

Pros of Using Bitcoin Cons of Using Bitcoin
You can use it in international transactions, for this you will not have to pay any kind of international charge. Bitcoin is used by terrorists to buy weapons and convert black money into white money.
It is not legally recognized in any country, so you can use it easily and here you will not have to pay any kind of tax. Bitcoin is not authorized by the government of any country.
Bitcoin is used in most of the countries of the world and through this you can easily pay money to any person. If you make any mistake in the use of bitcoin, then you will not be able to get the money back here, nor will you be able to recover it.

How can bitcoin be bought?

Bitcoin can be bought through many apps, some major bitcoin buying apps are Coinswitch wazirx, Binance, zebpay, unocoin etc. You can buy bitcoin through all these apps. And if you have bitcoin in these apps, then you can sell them and get Indian currency.

Is bitcoin legal in India or not?

Bitcoin is not legal in India, it can be understood that this type of digital currency has not been issued by the RBI Bank of India, so it has not yet been legally recognized in India, apart from this, the government has banned Bitcoin. No law has been made in India regarding this. So that bitcoin can be considered legal in India.

However, if you do any kind of transaction in bitcoin, then you will have to pay 30% tax to the government, because while presenting the country’s budget in the recent past, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, while speaking on cryptocurrency, said that if any person If anyone transacts any kind of money through cryptocurrency, then he will have to pay 30% tax to the government.

How to buy Bitcoin?

So for this a Cryptocurrency Exchange will be required. That is, a platform will be needed, where cryptocurrencies are bought and sold. Such as Binance, Coinbase Exchange, Huobi Global, KuCoin, Kraken etc. Talking about India, WazirX, CoinDCX, UnoCoin, Zebpay and CoinSwitch Kuber are the most popular platforms in India. You can choose any one of these platforms.

Future of Bitcoin in India

The Indian government is very strict about bitcoin or crypto. The government currently does not look at it in terms of digital currency or investment methods at all. Along with this, the Reserve Bank of India also keeps demanding to ban it. In today’s time, there is a provision of about 30% tax and 1% TDS on transacting on crypto.


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